The Christian's Friend and Instructor Volume 15 (1888)

Church as the House of God, The (THR)

Location: Page 1 to 10
Bible References: 1. Kor 3

Timothy, Expository Papers on Second (05) (ED)

Location: Page 10 to 16
Bible References: 2. Tim 2,1-7

Life, This (HCA)

Location: Page 16 to 18
Bible References: 1. Kor 15,19

Consecration is the Strongest Bond

Location: Page 18 to 19

Eating the Flesh...of the Son of Man (ELB)

Location: Page 19 to 23
Bible References: Joh 6,53-58

Death and Resurrection

Location: Page 23 to 24

Christian, A Full (JND)

Location: Page 24 to 25

Scripture Notes (JND)

Location: Page 25 to 26
Bible References: Joh 17,3

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 26 to 27
Bible References: Rö 3,25

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 27 to 29
Bible References: Heb 6,18-20

Church as the Body of Christ, The (THR)

Location: Page 29
Bible References: Kol 1,18


Location: Page 29 to 36
Bible References: Eph 1,22-23

Moses in Numbers 11 (ELB)

Location: Page 36 to 40
Bible References: 4. Mo 11

Paul and Agrippa (JND)

Location: Page 40 to 41
Bible References: Apg 26,28

Timothy, Expository Papers on Second (06) (ED)

Location: Page 41 to 48
Bible References: 2. Tim 2,8-13

Christ Formed in Our Hearts (GVW)

Location: Page 48 to 49

N/A (ED)

Location: Page 49
Bible References: Apg 2,1-4

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 49 to 50
Bible References: Joh 20,22-23

Scripture Notes (JND)

Location: Page 50 to 53
Bible References: Lk 15

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 53 to 54
Bible References: 2. Kor 3,3-4

Walk, The Motive for Christian (JND)

Location: Page 54 to 55

Poetry (Blind Begger, The) (ELB)

Location: Page 55 to 56

Gift and Ability

Location: Page 56

Past, Comparing the Present with the

Location: Page 56 to 57

Christ, The Temptation of (JND)

Location: Page 57 to 64
Bible References: Mt 4,1-12

Light (ELB)

Location: Page 64 to 69

Timothy, Expository Papers on Second (07) (ED)

Location: Page 69 to 75
Bible References: 2. Tim 2,14-19

Consecration (WTW)

Location: Page 75 to 79

Nazarites, Two Kinds of

Location: Page 79 to 80

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 80 to 81
Bible References: Phil 3,10

N/A (ED)

Location: Page 81
Bible References: 2. Tim 3,17

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 81 to 83
Bible References: 2. Tim 2,21

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 83 to 85
Bible References: 2. Tim 4,10

Searched and Known (THR)

Location: Page 85 to 91
Bible References: Ps 139

Timothy, Expository Papers on Second (08) (ED)

Location: Page 91 to 99
Bible References: 2. Tim 2,20-26

N/A (HR)

Location: Page 99
Bible References: 3. Mo 4

Red Heifer, The (1) (HR)

Location: Page 99 to 106
Bible References: 3. Mo 16

Babylon (ELB)

Location: Page 106 to 110

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 110 to 111
Bible References: 3. Mo 24,49

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 111 to 113
Bible References: Heb 10,23

End, Thy Latter (HCA)

Location: Page 113
Bible References: 5. Mo 8,16


Location: Page 113 to 116
Bible References: 5. Mo 32,29

Christ, To me to Live is

Location: Page 116 to 117

Red Heifer, The (2) (HR)

Location: Page 117 to 127
Bible References: 4. Mo 19

Works of Faith and Good Works (CDM)

Location: Page 127 to 132

Timothy, Expository Papers on Second (09) (ED)

Location: Page 132 to 138
Bible References: 2. Tim 3,1-9

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 138 to 141
Bible References: Ps 132

Deliverance, Pardon and (PAH)

Location: Page 141 to 152
Bible References: Rö 7

Timothy, Expository Papers on Second (10) (ED)

Location: Page 152 to 160
Bible References: 2. Tim 3,10-17

Alone with God (HCA)

Location: Page 160 to 162

Poetry (Faint Yet Pursuing) (ELB)

Location: Page 162 to 163

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 163 to 164
Bible References: 1. Mo 4,23-24

N/A (ED)

Location: Page 164
Bible References: Mk 6,5

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 164 to 165
Bible References: Mt 13,58

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 165 to 167
Bible References: Heb 2,17-18

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 167 to 168
Bible References: Heb 9,24-28

Scripture Notes (JND)

Location: Page 168 to 169
Bible References: Off 14,6

Body, A Letter on the...One (JAT)

Location: Page 169 to 174

Spiritual Slothfulness (HHS)

Location: Page 174 to 182

Servant, The Depressed (HCA)

Location: Page 182 to 183

Timothy, Expository Papers on Second (11) (ED)

Location: Page 183 to 191
Bible References: 2. Tim 4,1-8

Light: A Sequel (ELB)

Location: Page 191 to 194

N/A (ED)

Location: Page 194
Bible References: Lk 23,42-43

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 194 to 195
Bible References: 1. Mo 40,14-23

N/A (ED)

Location: Page 195
Bible References: 1. Kor 11,26

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 195 to 197
Bible References: 4. Mo 10,10

Self-Knowledge (JND)

Location: Page 197 to 201
Bible References: 5. Mo 8

Christ Lives in me

Location: Page 201 to 202

Man After God's Own Heart, A (1) (PAH)

Location: Page 202 to 210
Bible References: Ps 51

Timothy, Expository Papers on Second (12) (ED)

Location: Page 210 to 216
Bible References: 2. Tim 4,9-22

Solomon's Song (WTW)

Location: Page 216 to 220

In Christ Before God

Location: Page 220 to 221

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 221 to 222
Bible References: 1. Kor 10,16

N/A (ED)

Location: Page 222
Bible References: 1. Joh 1,9

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 222 to 223
Bible References: Ps 143,1

Scripture Notes (JND)

Location: Page 223 to 224
Bible References: 1. Joh 1,9

Scripture Notes (JND)

Location: Page 224 to 225
Bible References: Jak 1,25

Propitiation: What is it, and Where Made? (ED)

Location: Page 225 to 237

Waiting for Christ, The Present Effect of (JND)

Location: Page 237 to 241

Waiting (JND)

Location: Page 241 to 242
Bible References: Ps 40,1

Man After God's Own Heart, A (2) (PAH)

Location: Page 242 to 251
Bible References: Ps 51

N/A (ED)

Location: Page 251
Bible References: Heb 10,7

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 251 to 253
Bible References: Ps 40,7-8

Eternal Life (ACO)

Location: Page 253 to 257

Luke's Gospel, The Characteristics of (JND)

Location: Page 257 to 259
Bible References: Lk 22,41-44

Mercy, Righteousness and Faith (CDM)

Location: Page 259 to 262

Nadab and Abihu (CHM)

Location: Page 262 to 264

Christ, Full of

Location: Page 264 to 265

Jude, Expository Papers on (01) (ED)

Location: Page 265 to 274
Bible References:

Christ in Circumstances (JND)

Location: Page 274 to 275

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 275 to 277
Bible References: Jes 53,12

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 277 to 279
Bible References: 1. Kor 11,1-16

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 279 to 280
Bible References: Heb 9,26

Christ Thinking of Others

Location: Page 280 to 281

Nazariteship, True (JND)

Location: Page 281 to 285
Bible References: Lk 22,14-30

Salvation, Your Own (HCA)

Location: Page 285 to 287
Bible References: Phil 2,12

Marriage, Letter on (1) (JND)

Location: Page 287 to 289

Marriage, Letter on (2) (GVW)

Location: Page 289 to 291

Love According to God

Location: Page 291 to 292

Joy, Fulness of (WTW)

Location: Page 292 to 296

Jude, Expository Papers on (02) (ED)

Location: Page 296 to 305
Bible References:

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 305 to 306
Bible References: Lk 13,35-37

N/A (ED)

Location: Page 306
Bible References: 2. Kor 5,20

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 306 to 307
Bible References: Joh 3,36

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 307 to 309
Bible References: Joh 20,17-29

Colossians 2:1-10, Notes of a Lecture on (JND)

Location: Page 309 to 315
Bible References: Kol 2,1-10

Reasoning or Scripture

Location: Page 315 to 316

Jude, Expository Papers on (03) (ED)

Location: Page 316 to 325
Bible References:

Grace, The Power of (HHS)

Location: Page 325 to 331
Bible References: 2. Tim 2,1-2

Scripture Notes (ED)

Location: Page 331
Bible References: Tit 1,5